Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rat Race Blues for Women Ebook Review

Are you one of the many people who spends more each month than they earn? Do you wonder how you can get off the merry-go-round of continuous debt that debilitates you and makes your life miserable? If you relate to either of these statements, your salvation may just be at hand. Darlene (Dar) Arechederra's "Rat Race Blues for Women" details a refreshingly different approach from the usual advice about budgeting that so many other get-out-of-debt books offer.

Dar's aim is to help you, "... enjoy your life more, put you on the path to cutting back on work hours, or teach you to set yourself up for leaving your job completely." She does that by stepping readers through a number of strategies for trimming expenditure and paying out your debts in an easy to read, conversational manner.

Her e-book is small, but concise and is based on her experience as one of those who had money managing problems, but who overcame them to move on to a bigger, better future. What worked for her, she infers, will work for you. And because it all makes so much sense and is so easy to implement, I'm sure it will.

Surprisingly, she advises readers to give budgeting the 'flick' (my word, not hers!) and shows us how more money is not the solution we all think it is. Instead, she shows us how to trim a bit here and a bit there until it becomes a habit that reduces our expenditure and increases our savings ... incremental salvation, or a step-by-step approach rather than the cold turkey approach many books recommend.

Dar steps readers through an income and expenditure statement which is necessary to see where your affairs are at present so you can identify areas where you can make adjustments. This process itself is a good part of our learning experience because often we aren't aware of where our hard earned money is disappearing.

There were two things that appealed to me most about this title; Dar encourages readers to begin a Life Book with their goals and ideas. These help you to focus on what you want and how to achieve them. Just as a matter of self-discovery, I spent a little time thinking about what I need most from life at present. I opted for continuing good health, without which nothing else is of much use, friends which we all need to enjoy ourselves, and good fun, but I'm closer to the end of my life than I would expect most readers of this title will be. They will be where I was thirty years ago ... in debt, earning a low income while raising two children, so their needs will likely include much to do with money. Of course, this is the target audience, not Baby Boomers like me!

The other thing I liked was the insightful case studies Dar included, helping readers live through the lives of Paul and Marcy, middle class Americans. They were incredibly realistic and the people involved came alive for me. I could see my wife and I in their shoes. One or two of the questions raised during the case study were questions I had pondered very recently, even after 30 years of marriage. You will recognise some aspects of your life or relationship in the case studies also. I promise.

The one thing I'm surprised at is why Dar has written this book just for women. There are just as many men who need help to get their debts under control and win back their lives for whom this title would be of great benefit.

This book is about taking control of your life and winning your financial freedom. It will help you get out of debt, save for a home business, build an online business, and much more. It's well written and has excellent advice that is different from others I have read about the same topic. If you really want to make a difference in your life, grab a copy now and implement Dar's recommendations immediately. In the long run, it will be money well invested.

Find out more about this ebook at http://www.dwave.com.au/rrb.

Copyright 2006 Robin Henry

Robin Henry is a human resources specialist and Internet entrepreneur. He runs his home based business from Central Australia and his main site is at Desert Wave Enterprises. He helps businesses improve performance through working smarter.Aleda Blog13951
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